Hello everyone,
We’ve all managed to make it through another lockdown week and there’s another Bank Holiday weekend to look forward to in front of us!
Hopefully all of you are keeping safe and well and those of you not in work are keeping yourselves out of trouble.
Matthew has had enough of not being able to have his regular preening sessions at the barbers and has taken matters into his own hands, or rather his wife’s taken the clippers into her hands and he looks like a new man!
The one way system, social distancing, staggered starts and additional measures we have put into place are all working well in the yard, please see the attached photos.
Please look at the two attached plans showing the walking routes.
- When you arrive in the morning enter through the rear door by the back gates, observe the 2m markings on the floor and maintain 2m social distance from others. Go straight to the hand wash area and wash your hands. Whilst still observing social distances go through canteen to locker area and exit the building via the roller shutter. Follow this same route at the end of the day, YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN IN OR OUT FOR THE TIME BEING.
- If you need to come up to the office, only 1 person per gang (to minimise the number of people in the corridor and stairs to maintain social distancing) enter through the middle door by the clocking in machine, go up and down the stairs to and from the office and exit via the roller shutter doors. Please observe the 2m social distancing at all times.
We are doing all we can to keep you all safe and we will only be able to do this with your cooperation.
You will see on the plans you are no longer allowed to smoke by any of the doorways to the building as we have introduced a no smoking policy within 21 feet of the building.
All of the sites we are working on are all adhering to the Safe Operating procedures which were reviewed again this week with some minor alterations.
Please read these:- https://builduk.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Site-Operating-Procedures.pdf
This 4th revision takes into account the latest Government information on working in construction which can be read here:- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5eb961bfe90e070834b6675f/working-safely-during-covid-19-construction-outdoors-110520.pdf
A few more sites have reopened this week with more again from Tuesday and others are beginning to talk about starting back up so it seems that things are slowly starting to return to some sort of normality.
We have called a few of you this week to come back next week to keep continuity on the sites that are reopening and hopefully we will be calling more of you next week once we know what work is confirmed for the following weeks.
If we haven’t rung you this week then you will carry on being furloughed for next week and we will take things on a week by week basis.
Look after yourselves, stay safe and hopefully see you soon.
Glenn, Mike and Matthew